Questions tagged [sony-ericsson-xperia-x10]

For questions truly specific to the "Sony-Ericsson Xperia X10" device.

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How can I extract messages from .sbf file

I have backed up my messages from my Sony Xperia, and now I want to open the file and export them to excel or something more easy to read, but I can't find a program or tool to do that I just have the ...
Clemente Morales's user avatar
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Why battery "sags" on my device and how to fix/workaround it?

Sometimes my device shows "No SIM card" status and "0%" battery and soon powers off (even if I manage to quicky connect it to USB). After powering back on it works more or less as expected. Why does ...
Vi0's user avatar
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why i can't use all my sd card space on Apps?

I have a Xperia E1 with 2Gb of internal memory. I had to buy an 8GB SD card to use good apps! The problem is that I can only use 2Gb of my SD card on apps! When I open the storage it say it has 6.90Gb ...
Med Rm's user avatar
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Phone going into Emergency calls only after USB tethering for 30 minutes

Since the time I started using USB tethering, my phone has been going into Emergency calls only after 30 minutes of little to no use. I find it a bother to always have to restart my hone to use calls ...
Sanoo's user avatar
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