So today I unlocked bootloader on my HTC one X then flashed CWM recovery then attempted to install cyanogenmod. It said in the recovery that zip file installed successfully, but when I reboot it is stuck at the cyanogen logo boot screen. I did a full wipe before I installed the ROM. Now I cant use adb, device not detected, can't install another rom because I cant use the phone storage. All I can do now is go to the recovery or bootloader screens, the device is detected by my pc though. Did I just brick my phone? any leads to what I should do? I can lock/relock bootloader and flash the recovery

2 Answers 2


Don't panic. Try this:

  1. On your computer, browse your ROM .zip file, there should be a file named boot.img at top level. Extract it somewhere on your computer.

  2. Plug your phone into your computer via USB cable.

  3. Boot your phone into bootloader mode. (Power + Volume Down button for 5 seconds.) At bootloader screen your phone should say FASTBOOT USB.

  4. Assuming you know where your fastboot.exe is on your computer, issue this command in cmd:

    path/to/your/fastboot.exe flash boot path/to/your/boot.img

  5. After that restart your phone and see if it can boot into your ROM:

    fastboot reboot


You Need
WinDroid HTC One X Toolkit
HTC One X (At least 50% charge)
Windows XP - 8.1
USB Cable
Read this XDA Thread this Can Help You..


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