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Clarified that the button must be held during download mode
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Download mode may appear prior to fastboot mode.

  1. Boot down the phone
  2. Keep holding down Volume Up button.
  3. Put a USB cable that is connected to a PC in to phone.
  4. Once it boots into the desiredContinue holding Volume Up button throughout download mode, until fastbood mode appears and you can release the Volume Up button.

Extra: Here's the how-to video.

  1. Boot down the phone
  2. Keep holding down Volume Up button.
  3. Put a USB cable that is connected to a PC in to phone.
  4. Once it boots into the desired mode, release the Volume Up button.

Extra: Here's the how-to video.

Download mode may appear prior to fastboot mode.

  1. Boot down the phone
  2. Keep holding down Volume Up button.
  3. Put a USB cable that is connected to a PC in to phone.
  4. Continue holding Volume Up button throughout download mode until fastbood mode appears and you can release the Volume Up button.

Extra: Here's the how-to video.

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  • 2.7k
  • 5
  • 20
  • 36

  1. Boot down the phone
  2. Keep holding down Volume Up button.
  3. Put a USB cable that is connected to a PC in to phone.
  4. Once it boots into the desired mode, release the Volume Up button.

Extra: Here's the how-to video.