I found thean answer here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=30908422&postcount=186
Edit the updater-script, but don't try to fix it - remove the condition altogether since I know I'm on the correct device.
Thanks adulfo!
PS. bizarrely, after powering down, when I returned to recovery, anothera different version ( of recovery came up rather than 5.027. Possibly x-Parts had improperly installed CWM, and the second install 5.027 made it possible to access it, because after originally installing with x-Parts I could not boot into recovery.
Still (Although that does not make sense either because x-Parts says it installs recovery into the system, and it is erased by flashing a ROM)
Still, I don't know why CWM did not recognize the device as an ST18i (and thereby failed the script), especially since it had done so during the installation of CWM recovery.