In order to uninstall apps on touch-wiz, go to the apps folder then tap the left soft button. Now tap uninstall and holdtouch the minus button for the app and drag ityou want to the uninstall boxremove. ThenFinally, tap yes when it says "are you sure"(App you want to uninstall this applicationchose) will be uninstalled"." Here is a video showing how to do it:
Also, while I realize this might vary from app to app, what would be some of the most common reasons/advantages to disabling an app?
The advantage of disabling an app over uninstalling it is that the app doesn't need to be installed all over again (from scratch using WiFi and the google play store.) Instead, you can find the app you want to use again and enable it. Think of it as a file in the recycling bin of a PC. It is not being used by the computer by any way, but can still be restored and put to use if you wish so.