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lance atAt the top of the page there is a garbage can,so, you. You can click on the can  ,&that which will put little boxes by rhe alarmsshow a multi select option,then which lets you check offmark each box,as many as you want,then ,click on delete, & that should get rid of them.I hope that helpsalarm for deletion.

lance at the top of the page there is a garbage can,so, you can click on the can  ,&that will put little boxes by rhe alarms,then you check off each box,as many as you want,then ,click on delete, & that should get rid of them.I hope that helps.

At the top of the page there is a garbage can. You can click on the can, which will show a multi select option, which lets you mark each alarm for deletion.

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lance at the top of the page there is a garbage can,so, you can click on the can ,&that will put little boxes by rhe alarms,then you check off each box,as many as you want,then ,click on delete, & that should get rid of them.I hope that helps.