My device is a LeMaker Guitar Kit. I do not have root access on the device. I followed the guide from XSLAB - How to Change DNS Settings on Android to change the DNS. I am accessing my WiFi at home. When iI set my dnsDNS on my androidAndroid device and go to dnsDNS leak test, it's not the dnsDNS that I set in the dnsDNS settings. ItsIt's the dnsDNS set by my ISP.
How can I get it to use the dnsDNS that I want?
for reference:
my device is a lemaker guitar
I do not have root access on the device
I am accessing my wifi at home
Maybe I need to have root and/or use an app like the one mentioned on hereHow to change mobile connections's DNS on Android KitKat? - Override DNS.
Also need to work out what version of androidAndroid it is, but think it is the most recent version.
Related question on hereChange DNS but stay on DHCP leaving the ipIP as dynamic (currently giving it static ipIP from the router) and using apps to change change the dnsDNS.
Related Q
Related question on herewhere are DNS settings under 4.4.2?, but he can't save the new dnsDNS settings.
A possible option from hereCan't change DNS on S3 mini, in one of the answers is use debugging mode and adb to change the dnsDNS settings, but my problem is not changing the dnsDNS, it is getting the dnsDNS I change it to to work.