Many thanks for the ecellentexcellent write up. I'm surprised that this hasn't attracted more helpful comments. I found this throughfrom Google, and it certainly helped me. One
One tip: To avoid the finger twisting you described in Section 2.5.7, simply disable the "Auto Reboot" option in Odin. When the flash is completed, long-press the Power button on the SM-520 to power it off, and then use Power + Volume Up + Home at your leisure to enter into recovery mode. Note
Note 1: I used TWRP v3.1.1-0. It crashed while performing a Nandroid backup of my existing setup. When I used the version 2.8.7-0 you used, it worked. Note
Note 2: CM ROMsROM have been supercededsuperseded by Lineage OS ROMsROM.
Note 3: If you want to install GappsGoogle Apps, it is best to reboot to complete the installation of the OS first, and then reboot back into TWRP to continutecontinue the installation of GappsGApps.