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Mar 14, 2021 at 9:06 comment added Irfan Latif Just if you are interested to know in detail what I meant: Concepts of booloaders, boot partition and booting are entirely different on Android devices as compared to normal Linuxes or other OSes.
Mar 14, 2021 at 8:41 comment added Christopher F. Chiesa Taken literally, (1) is a little different than I'm used to on platforms I know better than Android, but still means OP should have no problem. Since he says he does*, I hypothesized that "maybe Android is different." Too, Android runs on so many different devices that maybe OP's device can boot from CD --or maybe a thumbdrive if you prefer. I've never seen anybody run a command-line shell, or dd, on Android before ; so, if he can do that, I can't assume anything is impossible. Bottom line, I think my basic points still hold, as far as they go.
Mar 10, 2021 at 2:54 comment added Irfan Latif 1) Boot partition is read-only. It's loaded in memory only once by the bootloader. After that it's no more in use. And even if it is, reading a raw block device is always possible. 2) How would you boot an Android device from LiveCD or any other medium?
Mar 10, 2021 at 2:43 history answered Christopher F. Chiesa CC BY-SA 4.0