Disable prefetch (Settings > Privacy/Security > Preload) and then wait 10 years for the Smokeysmiley face to show up in the "number of tabs" box. Then e-mail each URL to yourself until the number of tabs is functional. At which point you can look for any flags that might ACTUALLY prevent loading of non-dominant tabs COMPLETELY.
...Or, you know, send ALL URLs so that you can actually NOT USE CHROME.
BlitzMail will help. Yellow tag-shaped icon - hidden in F-Droid app, so find it on the website/FoxyDroid/etc.
ADB is a command line thing that is most commonly used for rooting. It is only used via PC, and it is obviously useless for seeing Chrome tabs since this would only be plain text in a command prompt window. Probably with some code and uniform-size font shit just to make it even more unusable (that's what happens if you view, for example, Firefox's bookmark or history files via notepad/text editor).