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Samsung Galaxy Note 3 - Eye detection on none nativenon-native apps?

Although I feel that the eye detection still requires a lot of tweaks and performance improvements by Samsung, I would be more tempted to use it and test it if it worked with none nativenon-native apps.

For example, although Google Chrome comes pre-installed on the device, the eye detection will not work with it?.

It would also be nice if the feature worked with messaging apps such as HandCent SMS.

To put it simply - Is there a way for this feature to work with apps you install on the device?

Samsung Galaxy Note 3 - Eye detection on none native apps?

Although I feel that the eye detection still requires a lot of tweaks and performance improvements by Samsung, I would be more tempted to use it and test it if it worked with none native apps.

For example, although Google Chrome comes pre-installed on the device, the eye detection will not work with it?

It would also be nice if the feature worked with messaging apps such as HandCent SMS.

To put it simply - Is there a way for this feature to work with apps you install on the device?

Samsung Galaxy Note 3 - Eye detection on non-native apps?

Although I feel that the eye detection still requires a lot of tweaks and performance improvements by Samsung, I would be more tempted to use it and test it if it worked with non-native apps.

For example, although Google Chrome comes pre-installed on the device, the eye detection will not work with it.

It would also be nice if the feature worked with messaging apps such as HandCent SMS.

To put it simply - Is there a way for this feature to work with apps you install on the device?

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Samsung Galaxy Note 3 - Eye detection on none native apps?

Although I feel that the eye detection still requires a lot of tweaks and performance improvements by Samsung, I would be more tempted to use it and test it if it worked with none native apps.

For example, although Google Chrome comes pre-installed on the device, the eye detection will not work with it?

It would also be nice if the feature worked with messaging apps such as HandCent SMS.

To put it simply - Is there a way for this feature to work with apps you install on the device?