From Android store install: proxoid application (run on port 8081). Internet Sharer (HTTP: 8080, SOCKS: 1080). Ping and DNS (I need IP adress of mobile phone) Tether chromebook and phone by usb cable. Run: Mobile internet connection VPN client proxoid Internet sharer Set: mobile to tether USB connection (check the icon of usb connection on mobile changed). Find phone IP adress (Ping and DNS, Network Info, IP:, internet connection must be active) Chromebook: log in, Check internet connection, wifi should be automaticaly replaced by USB Ethernet. Click to ethernet icon, Settings, proxy TAB. Finally set on chromebook (http proxy host: IP in form, port 8080, https proxy host IP, port 8081, SOCKS proxy IP, port 1080). Try to run chrome and browse intranet (as in mobile).
- On Android device, install:
- Proxoid (run on port 8081).
- Internet Sharer (HTTP: 8080, SOCKS: 1080).
- Ping & DNS (I need IP address of mobile phone)
- Tether Chromebook and phone by USB cable.
- Run:
- Mobile internet connection
- VPN client
- Proxoid
- Internet Sharer
- Set mobile to tether USB connection (check the icon of USB connection on mobile changed).
- Find phone IP address (Ping & DNS, Network Info, IP:, internet connection must be active)
- On Chromebook, log in, check internet connection, WiFi should be automatically replaced by USB Ethernet.
- Click the ethernet icon, Settings, proxy TAB.
- Finally set on Chromebook (HTTP proxy host: IP in form, port 8080, HTTPS proxy host IP, port 8081, SOCKS proxy IP, port 1080).
- Try to run Chrome and browse intranet (as in mobile).