Background Info: CVE-2019-2234 is a serious vulnerability or (maybe an APT) which allow other apps to record videos, take pictures, and extract EXIF data without having permissions.
Edit: This question is other devices rather than Pixel & Samsung
I've tested this PoC (changed package name to my camera's package name) to check if is this possible on my (non Pixel) device, but all I have is the camera activity has been launched without starting recording or taking pictures.
Launch Camera:
adb shell am start-activity -n --ez extra_turn_screen_on true -a --ez android.intent.extra.USE_FRONTAL_CAMERA true
Launch Video:
adb shell am start-activity -n --ez extra_turn_screen_on true -a --ez android.intent.extra.USE_FRONTAL_CAMERA true
Part 1: If this device is vulnerable are there other extras to add to make the PoC work and proof that it's vulnerable? or just it's not?
Part 2: If the device is vulnerable, what would be the best mitigation solution for this?