
My girlfriend was located at a house in a town that she works in. I asked whose house and she replied she'd never been there. I drove by on my own after dropping her off and recognizedo the car in the driveway as belonging to a coworker of hers. So could this be because they phone each other and their phones somehow connected to each other pinpointing her there while never physically there. A random house is a e asy you shrug, but to be her coworkers home out of 500 homes seems against good odds.

  • Location services are not always accurate. Instead they are approximate. It may vary according to different reasons though.
    – Lucky
    May 30, 2015 at 7:29

1 Answer 1


Location services are usually accurate within a certain range. For example, google tells me my location is accurate within 30m. Obviously, your mileage may vary.

You can find detailed information about your location history with timestamps over here.

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