I would like to play with developing Android ROMs for learning purposes and for maybe I can fork my current ROM and change interesting stuff in it.
I would rather be not happy at all with a bricked device, but how likely is that to happen?
As far as I know, if the bootloader is untouched, flashing even garbage should leave the device repairable since one can still go in flash mode and flash a new rom because the bootloader is fine. Right?
Also I presume hardware can't really be damaged by bad software, can it? (I need a compelling reason if you say yes)
So theoretically, my device can't really break by flashing and trying a custom ROM even if its faulty or even there happens an error during flash, no? (given I don't touch the bootloader)
s in the zip'supdater-script
, which abort the installation if your device is not confirmed as compatible. Obviously, that's not a luxury you do have if you create a ROM yourself (if you don't add the checks manually, that is). To summarize, if you build your own ROM with your own zip, you must take care not to overwrite the bootloader, overwrite only the/system
partition, (optionally) overwrite/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/boot
to install a custom kernel and pay great care not to flush your partition table by mistake.dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/mmcblk0
only if you wish doom upon your handset. Moreover, your device should merely soft-brick if you flash incompatible firmwares, provided that nothing but/system
and optionally/data
gets overwritten. To put it in another way, until your bootloader and/or partition table are busted, there's nothing you can't recover from.