How can I have my device automatically turn off its screen after booting?
- booting as in having turned off the device, finished charging and turning it back on
- turn off screen as in the function after single-pressing power button
At night, I turn off my device to charge it overnight. In the morning, I turn it on. Since the boot process takes a long time, I usually leave it on the counter for it to s l o w l y boot up. During this time, I get ready for my morning (which takes longer than for the device to boot). Taking the device with me to manually turn off the screen once it is finished booting is not good enough for me.
Short of building my own app that runs itself once on boot or having it turn off the screen after n seconds of inactivity, how can I have my device automatically turn off its screen after booting?
The device in question is not rooted, but answers requiring root privileges are acceptable
(I plan on rooting the device... eventually...)