in Android phones, there are settings related to the phone's internal storage.
I am interested in two of those settings, "delete all RAM data for all Apps", & "delete all CACHED data for all Apps", because each is larger than 100MB already according to the displayed info.
I thought until now that "cache" is part of "RAM"? Or what is the difference? There are two different options available so there must be some kind of difference I guess.
I like to know if it is totally OK to delete those 2 things (ram+cache) from time to time (& for all apps)? I know that deleting cache has no negative effect, because I deleted cache of apps sometimes. But I never deleted RAM data. And the thing is also, the setting says "...for ALL apps". So there are apps like "contacts" "calendar" or other system relevant apps included. I am not sure if you can wipe RAM/cache of those kind of apps, too?
Thank you for help