Is it possible to completely turn of the ability of my Redmi 6 (using MIUI 11 currently) to being discovered via Bluetooth by other devices? If yes, then how to achieve this?
Things I've tried or read so far:
- No corresponding system option (NFUI clone on my Neffos X9 still has it)
- This answer that is reported to not work under MIUI 10 so won't work most likely under MIUI 11
- Turning off Bluetooth Scanning (turned off, no effect, device still discoverable)
- Using Bluetooth Settings 3rd party application
I had the biggest faith in last option (Bluetooth Settings app), but it fails completely under Readmi 6 / MIUI 11. Not only Bluetooth discoverability is turned on again when phone is restarted or Bluetooth is enabled, as it is written here.
It is also turned on again when any paired device connects to it or when Bluetooth Settings app is reopened again. So this is a completely false pathway.