So, I tried to clone an app but it didn't work. My goal is to have an application with 2 different versions installed on the same smartphone, without using additional applications such as Parallel Space.

On the old version of the app, I was able to do it normally using Lucky Patcher(LP). But on the latest version of the app, I failed to use LP to clone the app. Then, I tried to kill signature verification before cloning, but that didn't work either. Then I tried killing signature verification using MT Manager and re-signing it before putting it in LP, but it didn't work either.

On LP, it shows the application has been cloned successfully. However when I open it, the app is like force close before fully opening. How to do it? Did I miss something?


2 Answers 2


Lucky Patcher tends to not work on newer apps. Your best option would be apps like Parallel Space or a phone/custom ROM with that functionality built-in.

  • It's alright. I've done it. Commented Jun 26, 2022 at 23:25

It's resolved now. I have no idea why using LP sometimes it's not work on a specific app.

I used the APK Editor app to solve this problem. By going through killing signature verification and changing the package name a bit.

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