I have a tablet with an external keyboard (both from Xiaomi). My intention is to swap the keys CTRL and ALT and I am doing it by the project exkeymo. I created an apk with the remapping:

map key 56 CTRL_LEFT
map key 29 ALT_LEFT

After I install the apk on the tablet and select the layout to the one created, both keys are switched, so it is what I needed.

But the problem is that my usual layout is Spanish, and after changing to the one created, both keys were switched but also the rest of the keys went to English (suppose US), because I assume the one Generic.kl in adb shell cd /system/usr/keylayout is in English. So I believe the tablet is using my custom layout for these two keys, and for the rest the Generic.

I can't find the Spanish layout elsewhere, otherwise I will map all the keys to Spanish in my custom layout.

Is there a file where I can find the Spanish layout on the tablet?

1 Answer 1


Thank you, I've got it solved. I copied the code from AOSP for keyboard_layout_spanish.kcm.

map key 86 PLUS
### ROW 1
key GRAVE {
    label:                              '\u00ba'
    base:                               '\u00ba'
    shift:                              '\u00aa'
    ralt:                               '\\'
key 1 {
    label:                              '1'
    base:                               '1'
    shift:                              '!'
    ralt:                               '|'
key 2 {
    label:                              '2'
    base:                               '2'
    shift:                              '"'
    ralt:                               '@'
key 3 {
    label:                              '3'
    base:                               '3'
    shift:                              '\u00b7'
    ralt:                               '#'
key 4 {
    label:                              '4'
    base:                               '4'
    shift:                              '$'
    ralt:                               '\u0303'
key 5 {
    label:                              '5'
    base:                               '5'
    shift:                              '%'
    ralt:                               '\u20ac'
key 6 {
    label:                              '6'
    base:                               '6'
    shift:                              '&'
    ralt:                               '\u00ac'
key 7 {
    label:                              '7'
    base:                               '7'
    shift:                              '/'
key 8 {
    label:                              '8'
    base:                               '8'
    shift:                              '('
key 9 {
    label:                              '9'
    base:                               '9'
    shift:                              ')'
key 0 {
    label:                              '0'
    base:                               '0'
    shift:                              '='
key MINUS {
    label:                              '\''
    base:                               '\''
    shift:                              '?'
key EQUALS {
    label:                              '\u00a1'
    base:                               '\u00a1'
    shift:                              '\u00bf'
### ROW 2
key Q {
    label:                              'Q'
    base:                               'q'
    shift, capslock:                    'Q'
    shift+capslock:                     'q'
key W {
    label:                              'W'
    base:                               'w'
    shift, capslock:                    'W'
    shift+capslock:                     'w'
key E {
    label:                              'E'
    base:                               'e'
    shift, capslock:                    'E'
    shift+capslock:                     'e'
    ralt:                               '\u20ac'
key R {
    label:                              'R'
    base:                               'r'
    shift, capslock:                    'R'
    shift+capslock:                     'r'
key T {
    label:                              'T'
    base:                               't'
    shift, capslock:                    'T'
    shift+capslock:                     't'
key Y {
    label:                              'Y'
    base:                               'y'
    shift, capslock:                    'Y'
    shift+capslock:                     'y'
key U {
    label:                              'U'
    base:                               'u'
    shift, capslock:                    'U'
    shift+capslock:                     'u'
key I {
    label:                              'I'
    base:                               'i'
    shift, capslock:                    'I'
    shift+capslock:                     'i'
key O {
    label:                              'O'
    base:                               'o'
    shift, capslock:                    'O'
    shift+capslock:                     'o'
key P {
    label:                              'P'
    base:                               'p'
    shift, capslock:                    'P'
    shift+capslock:                     'p'
    label:                              '\u02cb'
    base:                               '\u0300'
    shift:                              '\u0302'
    ralt:                               '['
    label:                              '+'
    base:                               '+'
    shift:                              '*'
    ralt:                               ']'
### ROW 3
key A {
    label:                              'A'
    base:                               'a'
    shift, capslock:                    'A'
    shift+capslock:                     'a'
key S {
    label:                              'S'
    base:                               's'
    shift, capslock:                    'S'
    shift+capslock:                     's'
key D {
    label:                              'D'
    base:                               'd'
    shift, capslock:                    'D'
    shift+capslock:                     'd'
key F {
    label:                              'F'
    base:                               'f'
    shift, capslock:                    'F'
    shift+capslock:                     'f'
key G {
    label:                              'G'
    base:                               'g'
    shift, capslock:                    'G'
    shift+capslock:                     'g'
key H {
    label:                              'H'
    base:                               'h'
    shift, capslock:                    'H'
    shift+capslock:                     'h'
key J {
    label:                              'J'
    base:                               'j'
    shift, capslock:                    'J'
    shift+capslock:                     'j'
key K {
    label:                              'K'
    base:                               'k'
    shift, capslock:                    'K'
    shift+capslock:                     'k'
key L {
    label:                              'L'
    base:                               'l'
    shift, capslock:                    'L'
    shift+capslock:                     'l'
    label:                              '\u00d1'
    base:                               '\u00f1'
    shift, capslock:                    '\u00d1'
    shift+capslock:                     '\u00f1'
    label:                              '\u00b4'
    base:                               '\u0301'
    shift:                              '\u0308'
    ralt:                               '{'
    label:                              '\u00c7'
    base:                               '\u00e7'
    shift, capslock:                    '\u00c7'
    shift+capslock:                     '\u00e7'
    ralt:                               '}'
### ROW 4
key PLUS {
    label:                              '<'
    base:                               '<'
    shift:                              '>'
key Z {
    label:                              'Z'
    base:                               'z'
    shift, capslock:                    'Z'
    shift+capslock:                     'z'
key X {
    label:                              'X'
    base:                               'x'
    shift, capslock:                    'X'
    shift+capslock:                     'x'
key C {
    label:                              'C'
    base:                               'c'
    shift, capslock:                    'C'
    shift+capslock:                     'c'
key V {
    label:                              'V'
    base:                               'v'
    shift, capslock:                    'V'
    shift+capslock:                     'v'
key B {
    label:                              'B'
    base:                               'b'
    shift, capslock:                    'B'
    shift+capslock:                     'b'
key N {
    label:                              'N'
    base:                               'n'
    shift, capslock:                    'N'
    shift+capslock:                     'n'
key M {
    label:                              'M'
    base:                               'm'
    shift, capslock:                    'M'
    shift+capslock:                     'm'
key COMMA {
    label:                              ','
    base:                               ','
    shift:                              ';'
key PERIOD {
    label:                              '.'
    base:                               '.'
    shift:                              ':'
key SLASH {
    label:                              '-'
    base:                               '-'
    shift:                              '_'

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