How to root Samsung Galaxy Note 2? I have no experience with rooting. Model number is GT-N7100. Android-version 4.1.1.
1I added your question to our rooting index. You might want to have a look there, maybe another device/method gives you a good starting.– IzzyCommented Feb 11, 2013 at 7:22
@PatREllery If you don't say what's wrong with the existing answers, or what further information you'd like, then nobody will add a new answer, and your bounty will automatically go to the existing top answer.– Dan HulmeCommented Nov 15, 2013 at 11:21
3 Answers
This will work on the following Galaxy Note 2:
1.International Galaxy Note 2 GT-N7100
2.T-Mobile Galaxy Note 2 SGH-T889
3.AT&T Galaxy Note 2 SGH-I317
Other carriers
Sprint Galaxy Note 2 SPH-L900
Verizon Galaxy Note 2 SCH-I605
(Given a link to video and more description at last sentence)
Step 1.
Put your Galaxy Note 2 into Download mode by turning off your phone first then holding down Volume Down, Center Home, and Power buttons together.
Step 2.
Once you see the warning screen, hit Volume Up button to enter ODIN Download Mode then connect a micro-USB cable from your Note 2 to your computer.
Step 3.
If you have to install Samsung USB drivers
Step 4.
Next, download
Step 5.
Unzip the files. Next, open up the ODIN program by double-clicking on the .exe file.
Step 6.
You should see a yellow-highlighted COM box with a random number. If you don’t see it, double-check your Windows drivers (the Samsung USB drivers you installed in Step 3) and unplug, plug your Note 2 back into your computer.
Step 7.
DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING ELSE and click on “PDA” button then find the file cwm6-root-note2.tar(in unzipped folder).
Step 8.
Hit Start and let ODIN flash the custom CWM Recovery. When it’s done, your Galaxy Note 2 will reboot and you should have a fully rooted Galaxy Note 2.
Your phone will boot into newly installed CWM Recovery automatically once and install Superuser app and su binaries then reboot.
You should find a new Superuser app called “SuperSU”.
You can easily verify you have root by downloading Titanium Backup app (free on Play Store) and running it. (a Pop up will appear)
In here they described with details and video that "How to root Note 2" . You have to just go for the carrier name, under which you are now.
Good Luck
NOTE:I'm not responsible if you mess up your phone. Make sure you know what you are doing before following any instructions. Go here .Just read it.
Just to reiterate something on the above: read, read and then read more. Things often go wrong, I've made some seriouisly basic mistakes and it's always a fright when an expensive piece of tech fails to boot! Make backups on your SD card, then copy the backups on your PC (nandroid backup in custom recovery). You never know when you'll need them!– RossCCommented Nov 15, 2013 at 10:51
I've used the following guide on XDA Developers:
And did the same for the S3 (for which they also have a toolkit and a thread)
My GT-N7100 was rooted successfully after watching this video and following these steps.