I have my school's e-mail account being checked via IMAP SSL/TLS on port 993. It is an Exchange mailbox but I did not want to to use MAPI and have my device "managed" by the school.
Anyhow, this worked fine prior to 4.2.2 update. Ever since then, e-mail is not being synchronized automatically and requires me to manually press the synchronize button.
My testing:
- Send test e-mail to self from another account
- Set checking frequency to 5 minutes
- Wait 10 minutes (just to pad a bit)
Still nothing. If I go to the client and manually hit refresh though, I do get the message pulled. Also, if I restart the phone, all the new messages get pulled as well.
Things I've checked:
Factory reset: Reluctantly did one yesterday but, unfortunately, did not fix the issue.
System Settings -> Accounts -> Email: The synchronize button icon is green, when I click on the account, "Email" setting is checked. Says "Last synced" with a time that's over 5 minutes ago.
System Settings -> Data Usage -> Menu -> Auto-Sync Data: Saw that this was the issue with many people. That, however, is checked for me.
Wifi vs. Mobile Data: I've tested on both and no difference in results.
Does anyone have any suggestions on things I should check or test to figure this out.