This is actually starting to annoy me!
Every so often, I get the 'Storage space running out' notification. I go into my settings, and it says I have 60MB left.
The thing is, almost a month ago I erased the device because of the same thing - I have my 1.8GB available, and everything was fine and dandy, until now.
I haven't installed anything recently, however I suddenly only have 60MB left. I added up all the app sizes according to Android:
Chrome - 65.55MB
Can You Escape - 34.75MB
Facebook - 31.77MB (why does Facebook use so much?)
Gmail - 27.46MB
Skype - 24.04MB
Facebook Messenger - 19.74MB
Search - 18.98MB
Tapatalk - 17.50MB
Hangouts - 17.33MB
Maps - 13.49MB
Google Play Services - 13.49MB
Google Play Store - 10.91MB
Youtube - 10.80MB
System - 10.27MB
Google+ - 9.39MB
Shazam - 8.37MB
Titanium Backup - 8.30MB
Spotify - 6.93MB
Ingress - 6.70MB (I still have 3 invites if anyone is interested)
Media Storage - 4.50MB
3G Watchdog Pro - 4.05MB
Cerberus - 3.02MB
Secret Codes Revealer - 2.99MB
Email - 2.93MB
Contacts Storage - 2.62 MB
Super SU - 2.50MB
Screen Standby - 2.27MB
Settings - 2.20MB
Titanium Backup Key - 2.12MB
DeskSMS - 2.09MB
Exchange Services - 2.05MB
Browser - 2.05MB
Root Explorer - 2.03MB
TalkBack - 2.02MB
Beats Audio - 1.90MB
Google Services Framework- 1.86MB
Google Text-to-speech - 1.78MB
Gallery - 1.75MB
Spirit UL - 1.66MB
Contacts - 1.65MB
Spotify Community - 1.53MB
Sound Search for Google Play - 1.34MB
I then have ~80 apps < 1MB in size.
Add them all together, and I get 490.53MB - nowhere near the 1.9GB Android says I am using.
Why is Android reporting me using 1.9GB? What is using this memory? Why isn't it showing in the settings?
And above all, how can I fix it?
I am using a Samsung Galaxy SII with Android 4.2.2 Cyanogenmod 10.1
Output of df
shell command:
Filesystem Size Used Free Blksize
/dev 395.3M 48K 395.3M 4096
/storage 395.3M 0K 395.3M 4096
/mnt/secure 395.3M 0K 395.3M 4096
/mnt/asec 395.3M 0K 395.3M 4096
/mnt/obb 395.3M 0K 395.3M 4096
/mnt/fuse 395.3M 0K 395.3M 4096
/system 503.9M 340M 164M 4096
/cache 98.4M 72M 26.4M 4096
/efs 19.7M 8.3M 11.4M 4096
/data 2G 1.9G 83.9M 4096
/preload 503.9M 204.3M 299.7M 4096
/mnt/asec/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackupPro-1 2M 100K 1.9M 4096
/storage/sdcard1 7.4G 126M 7.3G 4096
/storage/sdcard0 11.5G 4.6G 6.9G 4096
/mnt/secure/asec 11.5G 4.6G 6.9G 4096
/mnt/asec/ 3M 1.1M 1.9M 4096
/mnt/asec/com.nianticproject.ingress-1 26M 24.4M 1.5M 4096
/mnt/asec/ 2M 340K 1.7M 4096
/mnt/asec/com.mikersmicros.fm_unlock-2 3M 1004K 2M 4096
/mnt/asec/ 2M 76K 1.9M 4096
/mnt/asec/com.eclipsim.gpsstatus2-1 2M 912K 1.1M 4096
/mnt/asec/com.farproc.wifi.analyzer-1 2M 1000K 1M 4096
/mnt/asec/ 10M 7.8M 2.2M 4096
/mnt/asec/com.hutchison3g.planet3-2 5M 3.8M 1.2M 4096
/mnt/asec/ 20M 18.5M 1.5M 4096
/mnt/asec/ 2M 64K 1.9M 4096
/mnt/asec/com.speedsoftware.rootexplorer-1 3M 1.4M 1.6M 4096
into the shell./data
is full. Only 80 MiB left, which comes close to the 60 MiB you mention.