I have a Wiko Darkmoon running 4.2.2 (Wiko hasn't upgraded to 4.4 yet). The phone is advertised as having 4gb storage, which breaks down as
- Cache: ~123MB, /cache
- Internal: ~1008MB, /data
- Protect:~9MB, /protect_s
- Sdcard2: ~1749MB, /mnt/sdcard2
- System:: ~690MB. /system
Total: ~3579MB ~ 3.5GB.
(info retrieved using FreeSpace https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.krikun.freespace).
On top of this I have mounted a 32GB SD card (/storage/sdcard0). My options are to by default use the external sd card. Unfortunately the /data is full and it basically prevents me to install more programs.
Also, the Sdcard2 thingy is supposed to be internal and it's completely free.
My question is, can I convert Sdcard2 to mount with /data? Having +1GB in /data would alleviate my storage constraints a lot.
I googled and searched here and it seems this is not a common issue. Most of the things I've read are about mounting everything in the external SD card, which is not the same I want to do: I want to reuse the internal 1.7GB by joining it to Internal (/data) partition.