I need big help please, my parents have taken my phone and there are some whatsapp chats they must not see, is there any way I can delete my whatsapp account or move it to a new number without having my sim? Or a way to delete the chats from elsewhere? please hurry, I don't have much time
2please hurry, I don't have much time -- Users are volunteers here and not some 24*7 working paid employees. Please exercise patience.– Firelord ♦Commented May 8, 2015 at 7:35
Also, if you're in such a hurry: why don't you simply use our site search, browse the whatsapp tag, or check the WhatsApp FAQ? What efforts have you taken if you're in such a hurry?– IzzyCommented May 8, 2015 at 9:20
I think without phone verify it is not possible to delete.– BDRSuiteCommented May 16, 2015 at 22:05
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