I decided to try a custom ROM from here.
I downloaded Exodus ROM to my computer, and via ADB transmitted it to the sdcard/0/
folder. I then rebooted and flashed this custom ROM. Everything went well but I don't like this version, partly because it seems old.
The problem is that I don't know how to go back to the previous ROM(Jellybean).
I made a backup of Jellybean to a folder of clockwordmod
, but when I flashed the Exodus ROM the Jellybean ROM was not there.
So, what to do? I have it on my computer, but the problem is how to put it back to the phone. The problems are:
The ADB connection is not working via USB cable any longer.
I could download an ADB app from Play Store that uses Wi-fi, but the Play Store is missing in the phone.
How could I possibly solve this issue?
Very grateful for answers.
Edit: I succeeded to downloading it to my phone, that is the zipfile that holds the OS jellybean. But at the bootmenu where I select the zipfile it starts but soon fails (installation aborted).
finding update package
opening update package
installing update
installation aborted*
And then the droid is laying down with a read exlamation above.
The zipfiles contents look like this
folder wasn't there? // 1) What's the current status of your phone? Can it boot into any OS? 2) I assume yes because of 2.. Why can you not use MTP to transfer Jellybean ROM backup files from PC to SD card?