I have a little problem with my Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900H from Orange Dominican Republic running Android 5.0.

It happens that suddenly the phone ots having wakelocks and I dont know what to do since I don't want to root the phone to know which one is the bad app.

Here are the screenshots of the battery:

(Click to enlarge the image)

stats after gsam stats battery doctor stats

After turn off remote controls remote controls off

Battery stats stats after

Location settings location


2 Answers 2

  • If you don't wanna root your phone there is no way of preventing the power consuming apps from doing so.

  • From your screen shot I see the kernel and android system used most of your power but they are not the ones using power but there is apps on your phone are using core system functions so it's hard to say witch app is really using to much power.

  • The other service using to much power is gpsd and I think it is the real problem here. gpsd is a gps daemon it's a piece of software that works with the gps sensor normally it shouldn't even appear in the battrie stat ,but samsung repaced it by it's own software to offer a remote location service for the phone to help users find their lost handset through a website, just as Apple does with Find My iPhone. Unfortunately it appears to be causing the GPS Daemon to continually search and update your phone’s position, thus running down the battery. While it’s a useful feature, you’ll need to deactivate it for now to save your battery and hope that Samsung issues a fix for it soon. Here’s how to do it: if you need this service even with the expense of power you can keep it but if you don't want it follow the next steps to disable it.

    1. Open Settings

    2. search for Security and tap on it.

    3. Scroll down, tap Remote controls

    4. Enter the password for your Samsung account, tap OK in top right

    5. Slide the switch in the top right corner towards the left, where it should change to grey or off.

  • +1 for the answer. Im testing now with just the bluetooth off and gps. Then I will test what you suggest. Thanks Commented Jul 12, 2015 at 0:39
  • There is the gpsd still there and it appears to be wasting battery life. Commented Jul 12, 2015 at 16:50
  • @Jhonnytunes did you disable the feature as I suggested ? Commented Jul 12, 2015 at 19:37
  • Can you post a screen shot of the location under settings ? It has a list of apps using the localization feature Commented Jul 12, 2015 at 19:42
  • The feature is off as is the bluetooth and gps. Commented Jul 12, 2015 at 20:10

Problem solved. These applications updated yesterday and I no longer have the wakelock problem unless I activate the Samsung remote controls.

Apps that updated:

  • Amazon Shopping
  • Drastic DS Emulator
  • Evernote
  • Google
  • Google Keep
  • Google Photos
  • IMDB
  • Juice SSH
  • Google Maps
  • Netflix
  • Skype
  • OOKLA Speedtest

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