I just rooted my SG S4 Android 5.0.1 with auto root and (a friend's) Windows Odin. Everything worked fine (root complete and SU installed) till I think I gave a bad mount command in the root directory on the phone in terminal (i guess here it went wrong, not sure. Or perhaps during installation of bash or nano) when I was installing bash and nano. Since it rebooted, I lost the wifi and cannot adb shell into my phone anymore from mac.
However, everything except the wifi is still working. Adb and usb functions are still working. I can push and pull, however I just can't enter root directories through terminal anymore. I get the following error: - exec '/system/bin/sh' failed: Permission denied (13) -
I think my phone is still recoverable, however I don't know what to do and don't want to risk making things worse. Which andoird wizard can help this poor wifiless guy?
Ref: http://androidforums.com/threads/guide-full-bash-shell-with-nano-tab-completion-and-color-over-ssh.124506/ Download-File:
Below here were my bash nano install commands:
./adb shell
mount -o remount,rw /system
cp -r /storage/extSdCard/bashnano/terminfo /system/etc
cp /storage/extSdCard/bashnano/profile /etc
cp /storage/extSdCard/bashnano/bash /data
cp /storage/extSdCard/bashnano/nano /data
chmod 755 /data/bash
chmod 755 /data/nano
cd /system/bin/
mv sh sh.old
ln -s /data/bash sh
ln -s /data/bash bash
ln -s /data/nano nano
export TERMINFO=/etc/terminfo
export TERM=linux
mount -o remount,ro /system
P.S. So I also performed a regular mount in root, which i think is what made things bad!