My son is exceeding his data limit by downloading files when off the WiFi. I do not want to turn off all mobile data as he still needs to access his email, etc, however, he does not need to be watching YouTube videos and Netflix movies when not connected to the WiFi.
Is there a way for me to restrict data usage for specific apps to WiFi only? For example, if he opens up Google Chrome and is not connected to the WiFi, he cannot use this app. Essentially he gets a "connection not found" message.
Previous posts (Limit YouTube to Wi-Fi only) referred to the apps Onavo Count and Avast Mobile Security but when I checked them out in Google Play neither app mentioned the ability to do this.
I have restricted background data for these apps, but my understanding is that he still can use these apps over a mobile network if he opens them up.
Suggestions anyone? He has a HTC Evo. I own a Note 2.