I have a HTC Wildfire (Buzz) that originally came with Eclair. I now have Froyo on it and the Unrevoked tool doesn't work as the HBoot version is not supported (too new for Unrevoked).

At this point, I don't care about losing the data on the phone (they are backed up anyway). So, can I do a factory reset to get the old firmware back that can be rooted?

I'm ready to do anything to get Cyongenmod on this :)

1 Answer 1


No, performing a factory reset won't affect your HBoot version.

You should, however, be able to follow this guide instead (which uses Revolutionary). There's another page with instructions here which describes in a bit more detail what Revolutionary does and where to go from there. The standard disclaimers with regards to possibly bricking your device apply, of course, and I can't guarantee 100% that it will work.

  • Doesn't seem like that'll work. As HBOOT 1.01.0001 is listed as a prerequisite. I have HBOOT 1.01.0002 which is why it didn't work with Unrevoked.
    – scorpion
    Commented Aug 24, 2011 at 4:05
  • Second link you've listed has a how to link on downgrading HBOOT. Will give that a spin and post back :)
    – scorpion
    Commented Aug 24, 2011 at 4:20
  • I manged to downgrade HBOOT to 1.01.1001. But Revolutionary and Unrevoked both still fail to turn S-OFF :( Guess there's no hope..
    – scorpion
    Commented Sep 18, 2011 at 3:59

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