I got a Polaroid L9H tablet for Christmas, which includes a carrying case with built-in USB keyboard. I assume that it is for this reason that the tablet was designed with a barrel connector for its AC/DC adapter, rather than the micro-USB charging I'd come to associate with all modern portable electronics.
I tried to locate technical specifications for the tablet, but could only find the mini-pamphlet provided by the manufacturer, which says nothing either way about this:
If I plug this device into one of the many USB chargers I have distributed throughout my house, will it:
- not charge at all?
- charge, but not as rapidly as when using the provided adapter?
- maybe charge, but probably also damage the tablet?
- drain the battery even faster than being unplugged?
- ruin the USB port?
- explode?
I would really like to know if I can safely plug this tablet into my other chargers, or if I will be forced to bring the manufacturer's cord wherever I take the tablet.