I am using samsung S3 and installed Truecaller on this, now when i make a call from truecaller, the options shown in the popup are only the default dialer and Skype, not truecaller. I have cleared all defaults and tried it with multiple dialer apps, but everytime I see only these two options for dialing out. Any idea on how i can use truecaller for dialing out? Thanks Mayank

1 Answer 1


That's the way it should work. Truecaller just provides a dailer. It is not a call handling application. The main motto of the Truecaller dailer is to show info of the number before a call is placed.

  • Thanks Mani. I installed exdialer and the result is same. I restored default factory settings on my phone 1 month back, prior to that this was working fine with me getting exdialer as option. Commented May 16, 2016 at 13:49

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