I have a Sony xperia M2 D2303 with kitkat 4.4.4 and compilation number 18.3.1.C.1.17. I have rooted using KingRoot v4.9.5. I have checked that system is rooted using tools such as root checker. Now, I am trying to remount /system partition as RW but without succcess.
I have googled and tried several solutions but nothing works for me:
Access to /sys/kernel/security/sony_ric and try to disable sony ric security using:
echo 0 > enable
problem is that sony_ric folder is empty, there is no "enable" file and I cannot create it as partition is RO (read-only).
Using ES file explorer or other file explorers as root I have tried to remount partition as RW but it fails.
Using ROM Toolbox pro, and then from terminal emulator I have tried some commands but all fail:
1st attempt:
mount -o remount,rw /system
2nd attempt:
system/bin/mount -o remount,rw /system
3rd attempt:
adb shell
mount -o rw,remount /system
I have tried to install busybox but it fails as well because I cannot write to /system partition.
I have tried the methods explained here but nothing works:
Method A -> Cannot be applied in my case since sys/kernel/security/sony_ric/ is empty, no "enable" file exists.
Method B -> Cannot install busybox since /system partition is read-only and I cannot make it rw using mount, etc...
Method C -> I have not tried install init.d because I do not know if it a trusted method and whether it works in my device... Could someone confirm if it works?
Method D -> Cannot be applied in my case, no "enable" file exists in sys/kernel/security/sony_ric/
So at this point I have no idea what to do... Any help will be highly appreciated.