I incidentally broke the digitizer connector on the motherboard of my Nexus 10 tablet. I can still power on the tablet, but cannot do anything since the touchscreen is not working. I asked around a couple of repair stores, and was told that there is no easy fix for the connector. My question is: buying another connector or soldering the broken one would not be feasible?
If unfixable, I would like to pull the data out of the tablet, and move to another device. Since I can't use TitaniumBackup in this case, how can I extract each specific app and the data associated with that app so that I could transfer to a phone or another tablet via shell command adb? I could run 'adb backup...', but with that I don't know how to transfer the backup to another device.
My Nexus 10 is rooted, so some of apps are rooted and others are non-rooted, and the former seem to be anywhere on the phone. Also with TitaniumBackup, I know how to transfer the app and its data to another device. In this case, after pulling out the data, how do I move to another device? For example, I notice that some apps are stored under /data/data/ with multiple directories such as databases/, lib/, files/, shared_prefs/, etc. Can I directly move the whole directory tree over to another device?
Another question: the rooted apps seem to be installed as /data/app/com../base.apk. I tried to pull out base.apk, but it can't be installed properly on another device.
Thanks in advance!