Suddenly my HUAWEI (Android 4.2.2) bricked. It stucks at BOOT LOGO. However,when i connect to USB, ADB is able to read phone memory (shell and ls), But the /data directory is not readable (permision denied)

I need contacts (people say it is located in /data/com.android.providers.contacts, but ia m not sure). What to do? i had no backup of contacts, I cant loose them, they are important? WHat's solution ? How to get custom ADBD to do that?

1 Answer 1


What you read is about correct: contact is stored in /data/data/com.android.providers.contacts/databases/contacts2.db.

You will only be able to read /data if you're rooted. Although Android 4.2.2 should be easily rootable by now, the fact that you're stuck in the boot logo (likely a bootloop) means you can't keep a stable ADB connection, therefore no rooting tools would work (requires stable connection for minutes).

  • It loads ADB well and connection seems stable while USB (just phone is not going to DESKTOP), otherwise connection and directory listing works well.
    – T.Todua
    Commented Nov 7, 2016 at 7:01

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