A while back, I made a virtual machine on VirtualBox for Android 4.4. I had a little trouble getting mouse integration to work for it, but I figured it out.

More recently, I tried Android 6.0 Marshmallow on a virtual machine. Mouse integration would not work, and as such, I could not get as far as setup. I've since moved back to Android 4.4 which displays a mouse pointer just fine.

Does android-x86 6.0 not support mouse integration?

1 Answer 1


The solution from Android X86 – No Mouse Cursor in Oracle VirtualBox:

  1. Make sure the VM is not running (powered off)
  2. Click on the VM name in the list (e.g., Android X86)
  3. Click Settings
  4. Click on the System category
  5. Make sure you’re on the Motherboard tab
  6. Change Pointing Device to PS/2 Mouse

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