Since Android 6.0 is it possible to use the external SD card as internal storage. If you do so all data on it will be erased and the card will be repartitioned.
I'm quite new to Android > 5.0 but I installed Resurrection Remix OS 3 weeks ago but running again into the storage limitation of my SII (I9100), I used the 1GB/2GB PIT (see Increase system partition size or Lanchon REPIT on xda).
Anyway as far as I understand, depending on your Android version, you can either use any of the apps such as AppMgr Pro III, Link2SD or App2SD what are able to partition and mount your extSD as internal storage, there is a tutorial on (How to Partition Your SD Card in a Droid for APP2SD). I read all in ([TUTORIAL] Everything you wanted to know about app2sd, ext3, ext4 partitions!!) but they didn't answer all questions.
Besides, the >Android 6.0 in-build feature is a IMHO more handy.
Anyway, can someone answer the question how Android manage the internal /Data and /media_rw partition combined with the external partition before running again in any limitation.
Will I be able to utilise almost all 32 GB or 64 GB of the extSD for apps and their data. I don't take that many pictures with my I9100 due to the poor cam. I found 2 well explained tutorials (#1 & #2) but both missing this detail.