I tried creating multiple users on my Android TV dongle (based on RK3188 board). It should work, it's Android 4.4.2, but it returns an error:

root@rk3188:/ # pm create-user username
Error: couldn't create User.

And at the same time:

root@rk3188:/ # getprop fw.max_users
root@rk3188:/ # pm get-max-users
Maximum supported users: 1

1 Answer 1


You should edit your build.prop and add the following lines:

fw.max_users=2 #in case you want a maximum of 2 users

fw.show_multiuserui=1 # to show Users menu in settings

Save and reboot. You will then be able to add users

  • But according to the question, fw.max_users is already more than 2. How will decreasing it solve the problem?
    – Dan Hulme
    Dec 19, 2017 at 13:39
  • It is not about decreasing the number of users(the 2 is just an example), but more about modifying his build.prop mainly the fw.show_multiuserui part Dec 19, 2017 at 23:01
  • Unfortunately this does not work. The problem still is as described above from the point of view of CLI. I didn't know about the fw.show_multiuserui settings, this is a nice part, but it still doesn't work, no Users menu is visible in settings after setting it to 1 and rebooting. I suppose the problem is in the way the build has been done and its related to software components that cannot be changed in a compiled image as it's something missing, not just disabled... Dec 21, 2017 at 11:03
  • May be my answer should be removed. According to this article AndroidTV News, multi-user support isn't available on Android TVs. Dec 21, 2017 at 15:42

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