I'd say in general you should refrain from using any absolute paths in your HTML file,they will almost definitely break as soon as you change devices, and is probably a bad practice regardless of the purpose.
If you want to do this property I'd strongly recommend creating a master folder for all your recipe related files where you'd keep all the involved assets, like HTML files, photos, and maybe some sort of index.
Then maybe store all images in the same subfolder called Pictures or whatever suits you, and refer to them always using a relative path like src="..\pictures\cake.jpg"
Same goes for the link to the recipes href="recipes\deserts\pudding.html"
always keep reative paths instead of absolute ones.
You can then freely transfer or sync your folder structure to your tablet (or any other device for that matter) and have it work seamlessly without additional trouble, as long as you keep the sub directory structure intact.
Doing all this by hand at this day and age seems quite arcane though, if you don't mind me saying. You could consider upgrading to something like TiddlyWiki to automate part or all of the process.
It is a totally self contained, fully offline single file mini wiki/outliner/database that works from a single HTML file containing all the necessary html, JavaScript, CSS, and data.
You can use it partially just to automate building your index and link to your existing html recipes, or fully convert your discrete recipe files into one unified database.
Its real power however lies in its builtin tagging and searching functionality that would make accessing your recipes a whole lot more convenient and faster, so transferring your recipes would be beneficial in the long term. You don't even have to do it all at once, you can gradually transfer files one by one and keep some as linked external HTML files.
It is also highly configurable and hackable, if you say you already write HTML on your laptop you should have little trouble entering the world of TiddlyWiki markup scripting. You can learn more about it at the TiddlyWiki Google Group, I'm sure there are already plenty of user cases for recipe storage there.
You can still keep your data in a fully open, human readable file format, accessible anywhere there is a modern browser.