My Mobile device is "Galaxy s5570-mini", I want to secure it if it's lost -God forbidden- so I signed up in Samsungdive.com with my Gmail account then I have to add "Setting>Accounts and Sync>Add account>samsung account" in my mobile but I can't find this option !! what's wrong?? any thing is missed ?

3 Answers 3


Samsungdive.com has nothing to with the "Accounts and Sync" options. Samsung Dive consists of a background App (called uTrack), an Website (samsungdive.com) and an Login/Password, which allows you to remotely locate, lock and/or wipe some Samsung devices.

To pair your device with the Samsung DIVE, enter your login data under

Settings -> Location and Security -> uTrack

(Not sure if this is true for the Galaxy Mini, but that's where the setting is on the SGS)

  • Thanks Mr.Flow for your help :), but still can't find a way since two days of searching :'(....I can't find the option you mentioned.Then should I use an app would do the same ?
    – wisdom
    Commented Jan 28, 2012 at 13:31
  • Well, not every Samsung device has uTrack/DIVE support. I am not sure about the Galaxy Mini. But there are alternatives in the market. See this question
    – Flow
    Commented Jan 28, 2012 at 13:35
  • But as you notice they described that it's available for these devices included mine :("v2.samsungdive.com/help/guideRemoteControlsClear.do#"
    – wisdom
    Commented Jan 28, 2012 at 13:45
  • 1
    FYI on my SGS (UK Gingerbread) it's under Settings -> Location and Security -> Mobile Tracker unfortunately I'm pretty sure that it's also possible that your network, or or your regional Samsung may not distribute it.
    – GAThrawn
    Commented Jan 28, 2012 at 15:15

I tried entering a password into the mobile tracker.

When I did this, the window came up.


If you are unable to get it working Cerberus would be a very good alternative.

I use it, and it is flawless.

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