How do I convert/export WhatsApp chat (by chat person/group) to PDF/Excel/ HTML so that I can open it in a computer? I've tried several methods:
Manual way using screenshot and stitching it using Android app. To be honest, I really don't want using this method. It's the most cumbersome way.
The preferred way, using an app called Backup Text for Whats. This app is the one that has the most feature that I know about. It can filter to backup WhatsApp chat based on person/group chat, and can even convert all your chat to the desired format. It can convert to HTML (which can then be converted to PDF including the images downloaded), Excel (and download images separately), or even text. It's most versatile app that I know about when it comes to backing up whatsapp messages. You needed to install Tri-Crypt first to use it. My Android is 4.2, but now with the current WhatsApp version, it is not functioning. I don't know why.
Does anyone know any other method? Has anybody tried Backup Text for Whats app and why is it not functioning anymore?
Note: whatever the method, it should maintain how it is displayed in WhatsApp, if possible.