I'm on non-rooted Android 8.1 Oreo with MacroDroid Pro v3.24.1. After I got a replacement phone and reinstalled MacroDroid, it constantly asks for accessibility permission: Application Launched/Closed.

There are three accessibility permissions available:

  • MacroDroid
  • MacroDroid Fingerprint Gesture Detector
  • MacroDroid Volume Button Monitor

I enabled the first and last and kept the fingerprint off as this disables drawer swiping. I don't get where to allow that accessibility permission it is asking for.

Any suggestions?

1 Answer 1


I am an avid user of MacroDroid and noticed this issue with two devices and raised this issue on app forums (accessible from within the device and my post dated 24 December 17- unable to link)

This is what the developer said

It's not a MacroDroid issue but a system issue that can happen with any app.

If you Google the issue you will find stuff like this: Accessibility services gets disabled automatically

I find this to be true, since I had this problem on stock ROM but not on custom ROM

Quite possibly same case with you


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