My WhatsApp has slowed down because of too many texts in the message database (thousands of texts in some threads). Now, I want to take a local backup of these chats for later retrieval (this part is important) and clean my WhatsApp completely. How do I do that?

1 Answer 1


Firstly, to update your local chat backup : Settings -> Chat backup -> Backup

Now, take a copy of WhatsApp folder somewhere. This will copy all your whatsapp related data - chat backups, media etc. In case you want to backup & restore only your chat backup, copy msgstore.db.crypt12 from Whatsapp -> Databases folder.

Then, uninstall WhatsApp app and delete WhatsApp folder, i.e, "clean my WhatsApp completely"

Finally, copy WhatsApp folder back to phone storage (in case you only copied msgstore.db.crypt12, make Whatsapp -> Databases folders manually) then install WhatsApp app. In the setup it will say `Backup found,do you want to restore' : select yes.

  • How are the texts stored in memory? Are all the messages saved in a single .crypt file or they're saved in parts, distributed among all the files? Commented Jun 13, 2019 at 11:02
  • How are the texts stored in memory? Don't know about that, it's encrypted by whatsapp. Yes, all the messages/chats are stored in a single .crypt file. So you only need the latest one - which will be named: msgstore.db.crypt12
    – Shrey Garg
    Commented Jun 13, 2019 at 12:32

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