I recently started playing with the app called 'Automate'. The starting block for each Automate flow provides a URI. Can this URI be used to initiate a flow? Can I accomplish this from the command line? Specifically, I would like to call Automate flows from within a Termux environment. I assume this can be done with am start ... but I haven't had any luck trying different commands (and I have successfully used am from within Termux before, so I don't think that's an issue). I have very limited knowledge of Android intents.

I tried running am start -d content://rest-of-uri and I received a prompt asking which app to open, I chose Automate and the notification appeared for a second but the flow didn't run.

1 Answer 1


As shown here, you can use these commands:

am start -a com.llamalab.automate.intent.action.START_FLOW -d content://com.llamalab.automate.provider/flows/13/statements/1


am start -a com.llamalab.automate.intent.action.START_FLOW -d content://com.llamalab.automate.provider/flows/13/statements/1 -n com.llamalab.automate/.StartServiceReceiver

Replace content://com.llamalab.automate.provider/flows/13/statements/1 with your flow URI.

The first command worked for me while the second was giving an error in Termux and result=0 in Terminal Emulator.

  • Thanks! The first one is working great. Is there a way to pass data to the flow as a variable?
    – user306690
    Commented Jul 17, 2019 at 19:55
  • 1
    I am not sure if it's possible as I see no input variable for the Flow beginning block. What I have read is that you can write your variable to a file, then read it from your Flow. Commented Jul 18, 2019 at 15:31
  • Oh yeah that should work, thanks!
    – user306690
    Commented Jul 19, 2019 at 19:36

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