My phone is less then a year old and I had my Screen replaced by Samsung about 2 months ago.(they also changed the battery and aluminium body).So the battery is almost new. About a week ago something happened to my phone while i was using google maps and and it started daring battery at extremely high rate. it's was using almost 20% battery per hour with no use at all and it was getting hot while idling. Since like 4 days ago phone wouldn't even charge to 100%, it would get stuck at 70-80% because it was discharging faster then it could charge.(maybe it was getting too hot and stop charging). I had to revoke alot of location related permissions to slow the discharge to get battery to 100%. It's not as bad as before but it's still completely discharging from 100% to 0% is less then 10 hours with no use at all. It used to last almost 2 days with quite high usage before this bug.
here's what I tried so far.
- restarted the phone,
- put every app to sleep and deep-sleep,
- disabled allow location to apps even when location is turned off (same for Bluetooth and wifi)
- turned off Bluetooth and wifi scanning even when they are turned off
- disable the google app and google play services app.
- did a settings reset.
- factory(data) reset the phone.
non of this fixed the issue. Even put the phone on medium and maximum power saving and the did nothing, discharge rate is still exact same about 10% per hour while idling.
I took a few bugreports and viewed them in battery historian (online version). I don't know what I should be looking for. Is it safe to post bugreport file here, i don't know what kind of info is in it.