On my Samsung Galaxy A3 (2017) with Android 8, I used to be able to press the home button to directly go to the home screen.

Some configuration must have changed because now when I press the home button, it only activates the screen but doesn't take me to the home screen.

I need to press the home button to activate the screen and then swipe to go the home screen.

Anyone can help me restore the previous functionality?

  • Did the old behavior you mention (go to the home screen) occur when the screen was on, off, or both?
    – outis
    Nov 16, 2020 at 4:22
  • When it was off. I would press Home button once to enable screen and then a second time to show the pin lock screen. Once entered the PIN, it would take me directly to the home screen.
    – orschiro
    Nov 16, 2020 at 10:42


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