I have a cheap clone android (benss b3) that I managed to connect to win 7 by editing the .inf file in usb drivers. Now I want to load different ROMs via fastboot. However, when I boot to fastboot mode (?, power on with back + power button pressed), I get a new device in windows device manager. I can't get the usb drivers working and no devices appear with fastboot.

How can I get the fastboot to detect my device?

  • 2
    How did you edit the .inf file? It should be the same process just with the new values. Commented May 17, 2012 at 20:46
  • I would like to get more help with the inf file also. I just copy-pasted the usb-hardware-id (usb/rev_*&mid_*&...) to values of %composite...% and %single...%. And also I put the hardware-name to the end of the list with google, nexus, ... But this does not work for fastboot mode. The id and the name are slightly different. I am not now on windows, but I will check the exact values soon. The procedure should work like this, right?
    – Juha
    Commented May 18, 2012 at 8:23
  • Also I am not sure if its fastboot mode that I booted into. How can I verify that it is? How should a fastboot mode be seen in device manager? Can it be that it is just showing the "disks". I could swear that in some point I saw 2 new android drives in device manager.
    – Juha
    Commented May 18, 2012 at 8:26
  • 1
    Your device should say "fastboot" or "bootloader" or have a picture of a yellow triangle. You should also be able to get there by connecting your (normally booted up) device to the PC and running adb reboot bootloader. And yes, the .inf editing should be exactly like that; see android.stackexchange.com/a/16195/1465 Commented May 18, 2012 at 16:13


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