Why the virtual keyboard of Android 4.0 has a different qwerty virtual keyboard? It seems the Y is in the wrong place.
Is it some configuration? Where it is?
Are the Y and Z keys switched?
It sounds as if you have the wrong language set for your keyboard (or your system, as it defaults to the systems language). Some European keyboard layouts, possibly German, have a QWERTZ layout instead.
Settings > Language & input > Android keyboard (Settings icon) > Input languages
? Also, what exactly does it state as the input language? For instance, it should state "English (US)", not "English (USA)" as you mention. And the language for the device should be stated as "English (United States)".
Had the same problem. Go to Settings -> Applications -> Manage applications -> All -> Your keypad (Samsung Keypad for me). Force stop and then clear data. Solved the issue for me.
I solved installing Hackers keyboard of Android Market.
I had the same issue, and solved it by doing this:
This fixed the problem for me.
Hold the spacebar in and swipe left or right to quickly change languages you have it set to English Canadian atm.
I was having the same issue with the W and Z being in the wrong place and was going into the keyboard settings under my phone setting and still was not finding how to fix it. Doing what was suggested here, it did indeed change the letters but I was using Swift keyboard, so when I was changing my phones keyboard, it was not changing the Swift keyboard settings. I finally found a language option within the actual keyboard itself! Ah ha! Once I tapped the language option I found that you can choose from many different layouts on the actual keyboard. This is how I fixed it:
If you're using Swift keyboard, go in like you're sending a new text, from here tap the settings icon (sprocket, found on the top bar of the keyboard), then the sprocket+ icon on the right. You should see the 4 boxes that you can change for the keyboard (Languages, Themes, Typing, Account). Tap languages and then tap the language that you have set up under Your Languages. This will give you the option that you have now, but if you swipe to the left, it will show all of the different options you can choose from. Find QWERTY (or whatever you want to use) and tap on that keyboard. You will see a check mark, showing that you will now use this option. Now go out and try the keyboard again and you will see that your keyboard is what you wanted it at..... then do a happy dance.
For Samsung phone with Samsung Keyboard:
Work On Android 14 (!!!)
Possible cause:
Using Smart Switch which restores old and outdated setting to new phone
Steps with screen capture:
How to Add, Change, and Manage Language in Samsung Keyboard - TechWiser
I solved this problem here in the UK by changing the language to English (Ireland) keyboard and it was fine, the mic icon said EN again too, not DE which it had changed itself to. After that, I changed back to the UK and it was fine too. Weird glitch.