I follow this XDA tutorial to flash TWRP and rooting Samsung Galaxy J250F. However, after flashing TWRP via Odin, the phone only boots into recovery, not system. Even factory reset or empty the misc partition cannot help. I have to reflash its stock ROM. This erases TWRP and replace with the stock recovery.
This is what the tutorial says, which I follow exactly:
Flash with ODIN in the AP slot.
Put your device in DOWNLOAD mode.
Uncheck Auto reboot.
Load the respective file below into the AP slot and hit start.
After flashing and ODIN reports PASS immediately reboot to recovery by holding POWER + HOME + VOL DOWN.
As soon as the screen goes blank change to VOL UP whilst still holding POWER + HOME.
You should now see TWRP recovery.
Yes I see TWRP recovery, but now the system cannot be booted.