I'm using a Google Pixel 3a. A week ago, it was connecting all well to the corporate Wi-Fi which uses WPA Enterprise, but recently, it stopped.
In order to connect, I do the following:
- Download the ca.pem file containing the CA certificate and the .p12 file containing the device certificate.
- Install both CA and device certificates through Security › Encryption & credentials › Install a certificate › Wi-Fi certificate.
- Configure the Wi-Fi to use those certificates.
- EAP method being set to TLS, just as before.
As soon as I try to connect, it fails with no error message or details, and the CA certificate gets removed from the User credentials list (the ca.pem file is preserved). The behavior is the same no matter what I set in Online certificate status field (including “Do not validate” value that I can still use).
Why would Android remove the CA certificate? What do I need to do to make it stop doing that, and use the certificate to actually open the Wi-Fi connection?